- Featured Activity
- 2 hours
- All Ages
2-Hour Guided Tours offer a unique opportunity to learn the true nature and history of Mount Washington.
$ 79
Bicknell’s Thrush is an extremely rare species with very limited breeding grounds. It is the rarest and most secretive of the breeding thrushes in North America and it is the only bird whose breeding is restricted to the Northeastern part of the continent. They usually breed at higher elevations, normally nesting above 3,000 ft. The unique and harsh climate is just what the birds prefer due to the combination of low vegetation and abundant moisture, and the Mt. Washington Auto Road offers you a rare opportunity to view these obscure birds.
Tours depart the base of the Auto Road promptly at 6am. Driver gratuity of $4 per person is included with the cost of the tour.
The highest point we will reach on the Auto Road Bicknell Thrush tour about 5 miles up. This is in the heart of their nesting area on our east side of Mt. Washington. The max we take in one van is 8 people. We may stop at several locations along the road to search for Bicknell’s Thrushes.
Our Bicknell’s Thrush Tours leave early in the morning before the Mt. Washington Auto Road opens to the general public to insure there is as little additional noise or disturbance as possible. Our success rate at hearing and seeing this elusive thrush is quite good, but with the species in decline due to wintering habitat losses, there can be no guarantee of sightings.
Mt. Washington is home to the world’s worst weather. While we will not be going to the summit for the Bicknell’s Thrush Tours, we may encounter challenging weather conditions. Please be sure to dress appropriately with sturdy footwear. You can find detailed weather information through the Mount Washington Observatory.
Feel free to bring your own binoculars, camera, water, and a notebook if you choose. We ask that you do not eat in the Guided Tour vehicles.